
Event icons

Information for events in the Skylight platform

Skylight Events display on the Skylight map as icons.  The table below includes a description for each event.

AIS-based vessel behavior events

Standard Rendezvous

Transhipment, bunkering or other rendezvous behavior. Event based on two vessels, both on AIS, within 250 meters of each other for more than 30 minutes.
Dark Rendezvous

A single vessel on AIS with behavior indicating a potential rendezvous with another non-AIS transmitting vessel or other irregular movement 

Fishing activity (e.g., trawling, long lining, purse seining, squid jigging). 

User configured entry of a vessel (first AIS signal received) within a single Area of Interest
Speed Range*

User configured speed detection by time or distance within a single Area of Interest

Vessel Detections

Black icons () indicate a detection that is correlated to AIS.
Red icons () indicate a detection that could not be correlated to AIS.

Night Lights


Ability to detect vessels using bright lights. Globally available nightly, but not effective where clouds and moonlight limit visibility.
Satellite Radar


Vessel detections best suited for vessels constructed of metal. Clouds or other weather does not affect detection ability.
Radio Frequency


Ability to detect vessels using onboard navigational radar. Not affected by clouds or other weather.
Optical Imagery


Imagery capable of detecting vessels, including smaller vessels in optimal conditions (clear skies)

*Not available in other platforms.